

omf omfg omfg help!!!!
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Author Message
wildman username 03 Feb 2007 08:23 pm QUOTE
pretty much everyone knows maps got totally screwed like that ine other dude but i can't even download the .55 update when i save the folder and run MMclient.exe wich dosen't have an icon it gives me error 53 wich is what i get when i run the auto updater and popfix!!! someone help!!!
wildman popbot 06 Feb 2007 12:26 am QUOTE

pretty much everyone knows maps got totally screwed like that ine other dude but i can't even download the .55 update when i save the folder and run MMclient.exe wich dosen't have an icon it gives me error 53 wich is what i get when i run the auto updater and popfix!!! someone help!!!

Yes the mm 5.5 popfix2006 does not work
wildman Captainclaw 09 Feb 2007 12:45 pm QUOTE
Bwah.. when i tried it it was the wplistbox.ocx that was causing it.. :/
wildman popbot 26 Aug 2007 08:43 am QUOTE
wplistbox.ocx is the prob with vista too.
wildman Newbie 17 Jul 2014 02:37 am QUOTE
k help is here
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