

Some Ideas And Some Questions by Sir_Mar
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wildman Sir_Mark 25 Feb 2007 08:26 am QUOTE's me again from the Pop TC forums. Anyway as I love populous,I have a few of ideas/questions.

Q:How do you make a mappack? You get an editor something?

Q:After we install Populous Matchmaker,do we get on Populous 3 and go online as normal?

Game Play Ideas:(Mutiplay And Solo)

Shaman Wars!
Players:Mutiplay for best gameplay.
-There are 2 battlefields,1 for the main game,and another smaller so your braves and build huts so you get your mana.
-In the main game,you control only your shaman and your spells. You cannot use land altering spells,(Like volcano,earthquake,erode,etc)and you use the spells at your disposal to fight off the enemies. This game must have 2 AI players. The AI will regular units,like warrior,firewarriors,braves,ect. Your shaman should have recarnation site in your allied AI base. Destory all of the other base to win.
-In the side game,you have only braves and can build only huts and guard towers. The main part of this is so you can get mana for your shaman to cast spells. The trick is,your foe also builds in the side game area,so you can mass up an army of braves and send them agaist your foe to cripple their shaman's power.

Side Notes:Sadly,this game might not really work for regualer Populous 3,becuase you will only have 2 human players. However this game might become on popular in Pop TC becuase you can have up to 6 human players then.
Rear Guard:
Players:Mutiplay for best gameplay.
Rules:Same old Populous.
Terrain: There should be 3 paths,1 on top,middle,and bottom. The top and bottom paths go behind a player's base to another player's base right behind it. The main idea is to for the players behind the main one is to send attacks behind the main player to the Rear Guard player. The main player starts out with 3 upgraded huts,2 guard towers,a warrior hut,and some braves/warriors. The rear guard has to build up from scatch. If the rear guard dies,then the main player has to defend 2 areas,behind and in front.

Side Notes:This is quite good for a normal populous game but it might be a bit better with more players. However since Populous TC won't have round sota gets rid of some of the gameplay. However the flat world will work nicely here,but you just can't have the rest of the area filled with water so the 3rd rear guard can send boats to kill the rear gaurd and the boat guy on the other side.
Players:Must have mutiplay
-Player 1 and 3 are trapped by players 2 and 4. 2 holds 3 and 4 holds 1. The main idea is to save your partner and crush the enenmy.
-Players 1 and 3 have shamans and a few braves so they can run off and build a base. Players 2 and 4 do NOT have shamans,and must rely on their units and the other player's support.
-Players 1 & 2 are alllied. 3 & 4 are allied.
-Besides these,just kill the foe the old fashioned way.

Side Notes:This type can fit almost anywhere,any terrain,any units,any buildings. However keep in mind that only half of the players on the team have shamans,and the other half must rely on units.
End of the World:(Idea reposted in this forums and Pop TC)
Players:Doesn't matter if multiplay or solo.
-Random natural spells slowly kill the world you are on. It can erode random mounitains,raise a volcano in the middle of your base,or even cast a earthquake out in the open ocean. All the events are random.
-Besides that,kill off your foes or just try to surrvive!

Side Notes:Once again this is another adapable map. It can fit anywhere with any units....(you get the idea).
The Pass of Populous Heros:(I couldn't make a good name for this...)
Players:Solo or Multiplay
-Cannot use land based spells(like erode,volcano,landbridge,ect.)
-Kill off your foes.
-Best as 2 vs 2 or 4 vs 4,there is only 1 ground path to reach your enemy. Everything is on high ground,but allow and small body of water so they can build boats. (Make the highlands go lower till you can some water,and make some room down there.)
-After that,it's a deathmatch.

Side Notes:I would really love to play this map,have another tribe's army come down the only path and then blast them all into the water below. Magic Shield is a must in this game type.
Well this is a very long post and I have to do I'll be back later.
wildman Newbie 17 Jul 2014 02:42 am QUOTE
very nice ideas, i wonder why was this never answered
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