

Mapmaker Brush idea
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mapmanager demian 08 Mar 2006 11:33 pm QUOTE

A while ago I thought of an idea for maps to use odd shapes instead of just squares. I wanted to make a circle, but noticed for the first time that the triangles only move in one direction. If each square had 4 circles instead of 2, then it might be possible, but since it only has 2 I understand now that it isn't.

Still, I wonder what it might be like to have triangles and other odd shapes in there. Here is a screen shot of my idea:

Any thoughts?
beta tester Penguin 10 Mar 2006 11:51 am QUOTE
I like the idea, i'm not much of a mappack maker, but i think it would help.
wildman dalisene 29 Mar 2006 02:29 am QUOTE
Tribal Conquest's map maker supports almost all odd shapes..
wildman kevster55555 10 Dec 2006 03:45 pm QUOTE

Tribal Conquest's map maker supports almost all odd shapes..

even hexagons?
wildman ThE TiTaN 13 Dec 2006 11:15 pm QUOTE
i hate you shadow dark
wildman kevster55555 16 Dec 2006 06:15 am QUOTE

i hate you shadow dark

i dont care
wildman kevster55555 16 Dec 2006 06:16 am QUOTE

i hate you shadow dark

and plus shadow dark is my brother u moron
wildman boyd 16 Dec 2006 05:02 pm QUOTE
then why do you have his avatar? Wait...are you kevster444444?
wildman Hundredth 22 Dec 2006 12:09 pm QUOTE
sherlock boyd
wildman Shard of light 12 Mar 2007 04:26 pm QUOTE

then why do you have his avatar? Wait...are you kevster444444?

no whos kevster44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 anyways?
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